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  • Die Entführung aus dem Serail

Wed, Oct. 11, 2023, 7.30 pm - 10.10 pm | Main Stage

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Die Entführung aus dem Serail

Youth Introduction at 6.45 pm

Constance, Blonde and Pedrillo are prisoners of Bassa Selim at the Ottoman court in Istanbul. Belmonte, Constance's groom, plans to free them secretly, but the nocturnal action is discovered. Strangely enough, the punishment fails to materialize, and Bassa Selim lets the two couples go. The reason: Belmonte's father had once deprived the Bassa of office, home and wife when the Christians took over the rule of the country.

Production: David Bösch
Stage design: Patrick Bannwart
Stage design and costumes: Falko Herold
Lighting: Bernd Gallasch
Chorus: Eberhard Friedrich

Premiere on: 17.10.2021

A break of ca. 25 minutes after the second act (after about 95 minutes)

Supported by the Stiftung zur Förderung der Hamburgischen Staatsoper

Venue: Main Stage, Dammtorstraße 28, 20354 Hamburg
Prices: 6,00 EUR to 97,00 EUR

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