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  • Pierre-Laurent Aimard

Sun, Jan. 12, 2025, 11.00 am | Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall

5th Philharmonic Concert

Kent Nagano

Olivier Messiaen: “Couleurs de la Cité céleste” for piano, wind instruments and percussion

Gustav Mahler: “The Song of the Earth” - A symphony for a tenor and an alto voice and orchestra

Kent Nagano
Tenor: Stuart Skelton
Mezzo-soprano: Karen Cargill
pianist: Pierre-Laurent Aimard
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

Introduction 60 minutes before the start of the event

Bringing Gustav Mahler's “The Song of the Earth” to the stage always leads into the depths of late romantic turn-of-the-century aesthetics. Of course, the basis of the work is poetry - although of a very dubious nature due to the various back and forth translations from Old Chinese. And so the six songs, of which the last is by far the most important, are actually primarily derived from music To a certain extent, it can be understood as Mahler's unofficial ninth symphony. At least he himself suggested this count - and also emphasized that “The Song of the Earth” was “probably the most personal thing I have done to date.” Stuart Skelton and Karen Cargill sing the version for tenor and alto here.
This major work begins with Olivier Messiaen's “Colors of the Heavenly City,” which premiered in 1964 and invokes the principle of synaesthetics: individual chords evoke the ideas of colors. And so images of the rainbow, the light of the holy city, seven angels and the star with the key to the well of the abyss are cast in sound. None other than Pierre-Laurent Aimard takes on the solo piano part.

Venue: Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 4, 20457 Hamburg
Prices: € 98,00 / 80,00 / 63,00 / 47,00 / 18,00

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